· On almost a weekly basis someone will come along and inquire about dating bottles, with many of the inquiries specifically related to Owens-Illinois bottles, and From its beginning in , the Owens-Illinois Glass Co. has been a giant in the bottle and jar industry. Its history (see below) is filled with growth and · Owens-Illinois Glass Company trademark/logo – Diamond – Oval- I entwined. Owens-Illinois Glass Company was the result of the merger between two glass-making
Dating owens-illinois glass bottles – Chess Subsea Engineering
makes correct dating difficult. Table of contents. Click here to move directly to the list of machine-made dating questions. Machine-made bottles will exhibit most or all of the diagnostic characteristics explained and illustrated below. It should be noted that features 1, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are primary indicators of machine-made dating owens illinois glass. Feature 2 mold seam diameter is not as strongly diagnostic as the primary indicators as mouth-blown bottles sometimes can have very fine mold seams.
Feature 7 describes a couple glass related features that are quite consistent in machine-made bottles, but not diagnostic, dating owens illinois glass, i. Click on the machine-made beer bottle picture above to see an illustration of this bottle showing the major diagnostic characteristics of a typical machine produced bottle, dating owens illinois glass.
Vertical side mold seams which usually see the Note box below point 3 for an exception run up to the highest point of the finish and often onto the extreme top finish surface i.
The statement about machine-made bottles may seem contradictory finer but more visually distinct but is a function of the higher machine blowing pressure. Most machine-made bottles have mold seams about the thickness of a hair while most visible mouth-blown mold seams tend to be several times as thick, dating owens illinois glass, higher, but more rounded. Mold seam thickness and how high it protrudes [height] is of only moderate use in telling a machine-made bottle from a mouth-blown bottle, though if a bottle fragment has a hair fine dating owens illinois glass seam, it is highly likely to be from a machine-made bottle.
There are at least two additional finish related mold seams - one at the top of the finish which encircles either the bore or sometimes the outside of the upper lip portion of the finish sometimes both of these seams are present and a horizontal seam immediately below the finish which circles the extreme upper neck called a "neck ring parting line".
Click on the picture to the left to view an illustration which shows both of these seams or click machine-made finish to view an image which shows well the seam below the finish. Both seams are quite diagnostic of machine manufacture and are usually visible, though the seam at the top of the finish can be hard to see on some bottles - especially if the finish was fire polished.
In the glassmaking trade, these seams along with the side mold seams within the finish or just below are referred to as "neck ring" or "neckring" seams since they were formed by the separate neck ring portion of a machine mold Tooley These deviations are discussed on the main Bottle Dating page in a box under Question 2. Click Exceptions to Question 2 to view this discussion.
These are faint, somewhat wandering, hairline seams which if present usually are sporadically visible on the sides of machine-made bottles. The ghost seams are caused by the parison mold parts and if visible enough will be "attached" to the vertical seams in the finish.
Click on ghost seam to view a close-up explanatory picture of this attribute. Be aware that bottles and jars made by early to midth century press-and-blow machines do not usually have ghost seams, since the parison mold was usually one-piece, but will typically have a valve mark on the base see 6 below. A suction scar is present on the base of Owens Automatic Bottle Machine produced bottles.
This distinctive base scar is easier to illustrate than describe; click on suction scar for a picture of a typical scar which exhibits the diagnostic "feathering" that surely indicates Owens machine production same image is below left. This mark is distinctive to the suction process which feeds glass into the bottom of an Owens machine's parison mold. A movie clip showing this process in action is linked at the bottom of this box.
Suction scars can not be produced by feed and flow automatic machines i. P ress-and-blow machines usually have a round valve mark on the base but lack either the suction or parison scars. In any event, dating owens illinois glass, the suction scar is never found on mouth-blown bottles though suction scars are sometimes referred to as a pontil scar by the unfamiliar.
See the machine-made section of the Bottle Bases page for more information on these scars. It is likely that other types of suction based automatic bottle machines made in Europe in the s - and possibly later - also produced a suction scar on the base of their products [Pearson ]. However, a large majority of bottles in the U. The presence of a circular valve mark on the base of a bottle typically a wide mouth bottle or jar is sure evidence of machine-made manufacture by a press-and-blow machine.
This is discussed further as Question 14 below. Machine-made bottles tend to have few if any bubbles in the glass and the thickness of the glass is usually more uniform throughout the bottle as compared to mouth-blown bottles. This is especially true of later machine made bottles, i. The presence or absence of bubbles in the glass and relatively even distribution of the glass throughout the characteristic is not a primary feature of either machine-made or mouth-blown bottles, though there are strong trends.
What these Diagnostic Features Indicate: Bottles with all the noted primary machine-made characteristics 1, 3- 5 including the suction scar on the base point 5 above and picture to the left can date no earlier than and are usually post Though patented and first used dating owens illinois glass a limited degree inthe first Owens Automatic Bottle Machine licenses were granted to other manufacturers in late making the effective "beginning" i. Bottles which have all the primary characteristics dating owens illinois glass above 1, dating owens illinois glass, 3, 4 without the suction scar 5 were produced by non-Owens automatic or semi-automatic machines and are somewhat harder to precisely date, though the vast majority post-date also.
Narrow neck press-and-blow machine? It should be noted that one fairly early press-and-blow semi-automatic machine was designed to produce narrow bore bottles. The method used was unusual and may have been unique in bottle-making history: This is accomplished so that there is no perceptible mark upon the bottle showing the joint, and the bottle stands every possible test as to strength.
The machine is operated much as all pressing machines are Although products of this machine are not conclusively known a bottle such as the one at this link - offset seams shoe polish bottle - may well be a product of the described machine as there is a distinct and abrupt interface edge at the shoulder where the mold seams for both the body and neck end and are offset.
This little bottle has a moderately narrow neck and a distinct valve or ejection mark on the base indicating press-and-blow machine manufacture. Added evidence to this theory is that an identical shape and size 2 oz.
More specifically, non-Owens machine-made dating owens illinois glass with narrow necks similar to the amber beer bottle pictured earlier will always date after and typically after regardless of what type machine they were produced on since the first blow-and-blow semi-automatic machines capable of producing narrow necked bottles copied after English machines invented somewhat earlier were first made or used at that time in the U.
Boow ; Cable Very few narrow neck bottles made on the Owens machines will pre-date that time also. Bottles or jars with wide mouths like the jar pictured under Question 15 below may occasionally pre-dateto as early as aboutsince semi-automatic press-and-blow machines were being used to some degree by the mids.
The first production bottles known to have been made on semi-automatic machines were wide mouth Vaseline bottles made by the C. It is thought that probably all pre semi-automatic bottle machine production in the U. The photo below is from the Lewis Hine collection Library of Congress and shows an early, probably O'Neill Barrett semi-automatic press-and-blow 4 mold milk bottle dating owens illinois glass have relatively wide mouths machine which came with the following caption: No "lung blowers " employed.
Manager says machines are fast coming into play in bottle industry, plans eventually to have machines in place of "carrying in boys. Clarksburg, West Virginia" Library of Congress.
This two table semi-automatic machine would have been hand fed with glass furnace likely to the right and does have the two different mold sets with the parison molds where the dating owens illinois glass "press" part of the cycle took place the set on the right.
Blowing air would have been supplied by the hose visible at the top of the set of blow molds to the left, where the final "blow" part of the cycle took place. This allows for a high probability begin date of around to for dating owens illinois glass wide mouth, machine-made bottles and jars Illinois Glass Company, However, since the products of automatic and semi-automatic non-Owens machines date from the same era as the Owens machine and are largely indistinguishable, they are all considered together dating owens illinois glass this machine-made bottle dating page.
Mouth-blown to Machine-made Transition Era: The transition from mouth-blown to machine-made bottles was a fairly long and circuitous road. Between and about orthe only fully dating owens illinois glass machine was the Owens Automatic Bottle Machine and until the late s they were granting exclusive licenses for various categories of bottles. In aboutreliable gob-feeders became available which converted most types of semi-automatic machines to fully automatic at a lower cost than the Owens Machines, dating owens illinois glass.
For instance the Carr-Lowery Glass Company Baltimore, MD began automatic bottle making inbut retained some hand-blowing operations until at least when Dr. Toulouse published Bottle Makers and Their Marks! In one glass factory a wall had to be erected between the hand operations and the newly installed machine to prevent sabotage, dating owens illinois glass.
In another instance, worker opposition was so strong that the machine operations were abandoned! These numbers help to determine general dating break probabilities for both machine-made and dating owens illinois glass bottles. Likewise, the probability that a bottle exhibiting mouth-blown hand-made diagnostic features dating prior to the mids is very high and after the s is very low, though not impossible as noted above.
The link below allows a user to view an amazing short movie clip that shows two different early Owens Automatic Bottle Machines in operation. The first machine is the "Machine 5" which the film clip script notes as having been made in in Toledo, Ohio, dating owens illinois glass. This was apparently the earliest of the viable commercial machines, and in fact, the clip was made to help promote and sell the machine to potential buyers. The first person shown operating Machine 5 is Emil Bock, a mechanical genius who worked with Michael Owens from the "bicycle pump" early machine experimentation days s and transformed Mike's ideas into workable steel machines, dating owens illinois glass.
Michael Owens is the second person shown picking up and examining a couple beer bottles. This clip is also reported to be the only movie ever made showing Michael Owens who was reputed to be "camera shy. Film clip is compliments of the Owens-Illinois Glass Company, dating owens illinois glass. Many thanks to Phil Perry - a senior engineer with that company - who graciously provided this clip, dating owens illinois glass.
Glass Bottle Marks — 2 These are faint, somewhat wandering, hairline seams which if present usually are sporadically visible on the sides of machine-made bottles. duraglas bottle identification P ress-and-blow machines usually have a round valve mark on the base but lack either the suction or parison scars.
RE: DATING OWENS-ILLINOIS BOTTLES. pinterest funny dating quotes. History of the Owens-Illinois Glass Company The first production bottles known to have been made on semi-automatic machines were wide mouth Vaseline bottles made by the C.
Early History of O-I - English
, time: 4:50How to Date Owens-Illinois Glass - HobbyLark
Dating owens-illinois glass bottles - Join the leader in rapport services and find a date today. Join and search! How to get a good woman. It is not easy for women to TIME: author: maiprofal dating owens illinois glass Between and c. , Owens Bottle Company and Owens-Illinois Glass Company made millions of This allows for a high probability begin date of around to for most wide mouth, machine-made bottles and jars Illinois Glass Company,, However, since the products
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