Dienstag, 12. Oktober 2021

Dating wmf mark

Dating wmf mark

dating wmf mark

Dating wmf mark. 35 rows · Concerning the date of WMF ostrich mark appearance, I have strong evidence that the first. DATING MAPPIN & WEBB SILVER PLATE From centuries British silver is protected by the stamping of symbols and letters identifying the maker, the Assay Office and the date in which the quality of the silver piece was verified. Thanks to the "date letter" any piece of British Dating wmf marks - How to get a good woman. It is not easy for women to find a good man, and to be honest it is not easy for a man to find a good woman. Join the leader in relations services and find a date today. Join and search! Rich man looking for older woman & younger man. I'm laid back and get along with everyone. Looking for an old soul like myself. I'm a lady. My interests include staying up late and The following pictures show the marks used by WMF on metalware (pics A through E and 1 to 7) and glass and ceramics from the 's to the present: (A): WMF impressed mark from ca. ; (B) together with (BB) impressed on cutlery/hollow ware from ca. - ; (C) mark on printed material, like catalogues and on jewelry before together with silver assay stamp "8oo".Missing: dating

Dating Wmf Marks - Dating wmf marks

Thanks to the "date letter" any piece of British sterling silver can be exactly dated. ByWMF staff numbers had again swelled to 3, Silverplated tableware and cutlery accounted for two thirds of WMF's turnover, with shops specialising in clocks and watches, gold and silverware representing the company's main customers. A shift in emphasis occurred at the end of the s and was marked by an increase in the importance. A view of Geislingen factory taken from the WMF headed form. One of my "Hungarian" tea glass holders.

AS is the abbreviation of "Alpacca Silber". Some WMF hollow ware marks from the second group Typical WMF export hollow ware marks. A famous ostrich mark, used by WMF in leftand the goat mark of silvering, dating wmf markused by "Manufacture de Alfenide" in right. WMF Dating wmf mark Nouveau pieces marked by the first "ostrich mark" The ostrich marks, containing the image of ostrich put in rhombus, which is further placed inside a fully-dashed left or partly-dashed right dating wmf mark, respectively.

WMF Art Nouveau non-silvered tea glass holder marked by the second "ostrich mark" WMF Art Nouveau sugar bowl marked by the third "ostrich mark" WMF dating wmf mark, containing a 2D combination of three letters, "W", "M", and "F", placed in a rectangle left ; in a partly dashed arch centerand dating wmf mark an "empty" right arch. These marks were used in, andrespectively. Art Deco WMF marks, containing the image of the running ostrich in a rhombus and used in c.

Members' Window revised and updated version David N. The history of this foundry is well documented [1,2,3]. The first foundry was commercially more successful, while the second one was using a more advanced technology of galvanic silver deposition, which was first applied in Esslingen by the German chemist Carl Haegele inthe brother-in-law of Alfred Ritter.

In the same year the Esslingen factory was dismantled and its equipment was incorporated into the Geislingen foundry. Dating wmf mark the next thirty years WMF experienced a period dating wmf mark rapid expansion, which lasted until the beginning of the World War in This WMF branch was mostly importing the base-metal items from Geislingen, dating wmf markperforming silver-plating and then selling them in Russia under their own marks, see my recent article in ASCAS Newsletter [4], dating wmf mark.

The WMF board of directors also moved to Göppingen. This firm dating wmf mark R. Plewkiewicz company would stay under WMF until and would also dating wmf mark items under its own mark. The export of silver-plated table ware and domestic items continuously grew, which is testified by the publishing of WMF catalogues in three languages, dating wmf mark.

Three consecutive editions of the English WMF catalogue were published inand in Inthe number of employees dating wmf mark only at Geislingen factory reaches and WMF became the largest industry producer in whole Wurtemberg.

The first group of WMF marks contains the inscription composed of three letters, "W", "M", and "F", dating wmf marksometimes the letters "M" and "F" are joined together, dating wmf mark. All inscriptions are made with dating wmf mark "sans serif" font, dating wmf mark. In some cases, the dots inside the inscription and after it are also present.

The possible reason for that is discussed above. The length of "WMF" inscriptions varies in the range 3. A full WMF mark image for the first group contains the volume designation in litres 1 litre corresponds to cm3.

Note a comma which is used for the volume designation. Some secondary markings are used as well. The two-letter inscription " as " means artificial darkening of the silver surface to a nearly black colour, dating wmf mark, the so-called "antique silver finish".

The second group of WMF marks contains the marks with four-letter letterings, with dots or without, which are the combinations of the word "WMF" with the following letters: "M", dating wmf mark"N" rarely or "B". Such a way of marking allows the designation of the base metal used for silvering, i.

All the inscriptions are made dating wmf mark with "serif" rarely or "sans serif" fonts and sometimes are put in a cartouche.

Older inscriptions are made with a "serif" font and put in a cartouche. There are other varieties from this group which are not dating wmf mark here, dating wmf markbut exist in the literature, e. A full WMF mark dating wmf mark for the second group contains the volume designation in litres. Note the use of a fraction for designation. The two-letter inscription "OX" "oxydiert" in German, "oxidized" in English means artificial darkening of the silver surface to a grey colour.

The "O" letter put in a rhombus means an increased by 1. The size of the "O" rhombus is between 1. The double-letter inscription "gg" is an abbreviation of the German expression "ganz vergoldet", which means "entirely gilded". If there is no enough space for marking, then the special "small mark" should be applied, dating wmf mark.

They are discussed in detail in my accompanying paper on WMF cutlery mark, dating wmf mark. The letter "N" is the sign for Neusilber Alpaccaused as a base metal for silvering, dating wmf mark. The length of WMFN inscription is 3. The meaning of such marking is not clear. It could be the 20 year jubilee of the WMF firm or simply the celebration of the new century. There are two varieties of this mark, one antler image is strait, dating wmf mark the other is convex.

The size of dating wmf mark antler mark frame is between 1, dating wmf mark. If Art Nouveau WMF item, issued in around or later, dating wmf mark, bears a full mark without any silvering designation, that means it contains no silver and has been made entirely of base metal.

A full mark for this pattern includes a comma in the volume designation cf. Besides, there is a rectangle with digits, dating wmf mark, dating wmf mark correspond to the amount of silver in grams used for plating.

The rectangle with 4-digit "" inscription corresponds to the year of issue. The oldest WMF export mark which was used simultaneously on hollow ware and cutlery items.

It consists of a "fancy" three-letter WMF inscription, put in an oval. The peculiarity of this mark is a broken "F" letter in the WMF inscription. No secondary markings were found for this mark. The size of the oval is 1. Beautiful and very rare! Such mark contains again a three-letter WMF inscription with dots or without preferentiallybut contrary to previous mark made with a "serif" font and put in a rectangular frame, dating wmf mark.

The length of the three-letter WMF inscription varies in the range 4. The two-letter inscription EP means "electroplate". Another two-letter inscription "NS" means nickel silver Alpacca, Neusilber and serves as a designation of a base metal dating wmf mark silvering.

The size of the "EP" box varies between 1. The size of the "NS" box varies between 1, dating wmf mark, dating wmf mark. The size of the frame for the dating wmf mark antler mark is 1. If exported WMF item issued around and later bears a full mark without any silvering designation, that means it contains no silver and has been made entirely of base metal.

The dating wmf mark of the rectangle varies between 3. A widespread mark, though it is rather difficult to find one in perfect condition.

The full mark uses numerous secondary markings, all are applied in a rectangular frame, dating wmf mark. The one-letter inscription "B" means the use of Britannia metal dating wmf mark alloy as a base metal for silvering. The size of the "B" box varies between 1.

The two-letter inscription "MB" means a combined use of both brass M and Britannia metal B as base metals. The size of the "MB" box is about 2. The absence of any base metal designations means the use of brass as a base metal, dating wmf mark. The "M" designation alone was never used at this period. The size of the "OX" box varies between 1. The size of the " as " box varies between 1. Finally, the six-petal rosette probably means "Special order" or "Special issue". The size of this box is about 2.

If a hollow ware WMF item, issued between andbears a full mark without any silvering designation, that means it contains no silver and is made entirely of base metal. If there is not enough space for marking, then the special "small marks" should be applied.

In this period, Dating wmf mark factory used in such cases the standard cutlery mark, namely, dating wmf mark, the "ostrich" image in rhombus, dating wmf mark. The size of the rhombus varies between 1. This mark is discussed in detail in the accompanying paper on WMF cutlery marks. Sometimes, the silvering mark is absent. That means, the item is made entirely of a base metal, dating wmf mark.

The length of the WMF inscription is 3, dating wmf mark. Very rare. Next WMF export mark for hollow ware items was used for the items exported to Austria-Hungary in the period between and Such mark contains again a three-letter WMF inscription with dots mostly or without, made with a "sans serif" font and put in a rectangular frame.

In this case, the secondary marks are never used. This ostrich mark was developed to mark export goods made for France. The size of the arch varies between 1. Silver Salon Forums The following dating wmf mark show the marks used by WMF on metalware pics A through E and 1 to 7 and glass and ceramics from the 's to the present: A : WMF impressed mark from ca, dating wmf mark.

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SM Publications - Silver Salon Forums - WMF Marks

dating wmf mark

WMF - Supplementary marks for hollow-ware A = reject item AA = refuse as = antique silver finish B = Britannia-metal bg = gilt base brass = export mark copper = export mark D.R.P. Deutsches Reichspatent (Imperial German Patent) ep = electro-plated gg = entirely gilt: go = parcel-gilt ig = gilt interior I/O = Normal thickness of gilding or silver-plating M = brass MB = partly brass, partly Missing: dating 35 rows · The dating of marks was made by using dated hollow ware items from my collection (I was lucky to purchase sixteen dated pieces), as well as by the presence/absence of certain stylistic details on these items. The correctness of the dating is justified by the fact that most of the items bearing the WMF marks from the first group or early WMFM ones from the second group were issued before the The following pictures show the marks used by WMF on metalware (pics A through E and 1 to 7) and glass and ceramics from the 's to the present: (A): WMF impressed mark from ca. ; (B) together with (BB) impressed on cutlery/hollow ware from ca. - ; (C) mark on printed material, like catalogues and on jewelry before together with silver assay stamp "8oo".Missing: dating

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